Top Wagner Actions You Might Have Missed
- Last week, we noted the dangerous actions of House Democrats who are seeking to defund the Border Patrol, ICE, and other agencies who defend our borders. This week, Rep. Rashida Tlaib joined the growing chorus in the House Democratic Caucus echoing this, arguing that “the United States needs to stop funding the Customs and Border Protection, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, and their parent organization [the] Department of Homeland Security.” House Republicans, including Congresswoman Wagner, cosponsored Rep. Lisa McLain’s resolution “highlighting the importance of the DHS, CBP, and ICE in protecting our national security and stressing that calls to defund these agencies are detrimental to the safety of American citizens.”
- When President Trump signed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act in March of 2020, the federal government equipped states with additional flexibility and funding to distribute unemployment claims caused by the pandemic. Now, U.S. IT security companies are estimating that there has been somewhere between $89 to $400 billion has been stolen from the American taxpayer from fraudulent unemployment claims over the course of the pandemic. This week, Congresswoman Wagner wrote a letter, which was signed by fellow Republicans Rep. Michelle Steel, Rep. Devin Nunes, and Rep. Doug LaMalfa, urging the United States Department of Labor’s Office of Inspector General to conduct an official audit to determine to what extent did fraud occur in COVID-related unemployment assistance programs, issued through the Department of Labor, and how much this cost the American taxpayer. The Congresswoman will continue to lead on this issue to ensure that we get to the bottom of this catastrophe.
- After unleashing the COVID-19 pandemic on the United States, the Chinese government is now seeking to peddle their Chinese-made vaccines across the globe for increased influence while also undermining the efficacy of US-made vaccines. These Chinese vaccines have been less than effective in countries where they have been used, such as the Seychelles and Mongolia. Congresswoman Wagner introduced an amendment to a House Foreign Affairs Committee Bill that deals with China to ensure that our tax dollars are not used to purchase these Chinese manufactured vaccines.
- Congresswoman Wagner joined John Hancock on the Annie Frey show to discuss her Compensation for Americans Act. In the interview, the Congresswoman reiterated the importance of holding China accountable for the outbreak of COVID-19 and urged support for the bill. The Compensation for Americans Act directs President Biden to employ a series of tools, including the following:
- Freeze any necessary Chinese assets in the United States in order to reach a bilateral agreement with China,
- Create a public repository of Chinese assets and holdings in the United States,
- Impose sanctions and/or travel restrictions on:
- CCP officials, associates, and family members,
- Chinese medical equipment and pharmaceutical suppliers that have profited from the pandemic,
- Chinese companies in the high-tech sector,
- Chinese entities involved in the theft of U.S. intellectual property,
- Chinese entities that participate in internet surveillance, filtration, and censorship,
- Establish a fund to compensate Americans for damages caused by COVID-19,
- There are additional elements of the Compensation of Americans Act that you can find here.
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