St. Charles County Elected Officials
The following list reflects public record for the elected officials that govern St. Charles County in Missouri. To learn more about their office, their public meetings, or to bring to address specific matters related to their department or jurisdiction, please follow the weblink provided. If you are interested in running for public office, please contact one of our Committee Members to discuss our Candidates’ School.
- St. Charles County Population as of July 1, 2022: 413,803
- Active Registered Voters in St. Charles County as of April 17, 2023: 286,250
Executive Office Building
Phone: (636) 949-7520
100 N. 3rd St.
St. Charles, MO 63301
Administration Building
Phone: (636) 949-7500
201 North Second St.,
St. Charles, MO 63301
County Election Authority
Phone: (636) 949-75500
397 Turner Blvd.
St. Peters, MO 63376
Administrative Executives
Executive | Steve Ehlmann (R) | Weblink |