Lincoln Day Dinner
Friday – March 8, 2019
“I am a success today because I had a friend who believed in me and I didn’t have the heart to let him down.” –
Abraham Lincoln
In honor of our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln, our Annual Lincoln Day Dinner shows support for those whom we elect to uphold the constitutional values set forth by our forefathers and the Republican Party throughout St. Charles County. We invite you to come together in solidarity to show your belief in the hard work they are doing to maintain our freedoms by joining us on Friday, March 8th for our Annual Lincoln Day Dinner. Join us to celebrate local government in St. Charles County as well as networking with other state officials from the Republican Party.

Keynote Address: MO Governor, Michael L. Parson
Event Location:
The Christy Banquet Center
900 Veterans Memorial Parkway
O’Fallon, MO 63366
Dinner Schedule:
Doors open at 5:30 pm
The program begins at 6:30 pm
VIP Reception:
5:30 – 6:30 pm
Join us for a special reception prior to the main program. Includes networking and conversation with special guest, Governor Mike Parson.
Join us for a special reception prior to the main program. Includes networking and conversation with special guest, Governor Mike Parson.

Ticket Information
Register Early and Save on Ticket Price!
TICKET OPTIONS: Individual Tickets or Tables of 8 can be reserved for the Lincoln Day Dinner
- Early Dinner Registration (All Ticket Reservations on or before 2/22/2019) – $50/Ticket w/Check | $55/Ticket through Online Transaction
- Late Registration (2/23 – 3/1): All-Transactions – $75/Ticket
(Includes Table Reservation and Dinner Only) - Add On the VIP Reception: $50 / Ticket w/Check | $55/Ticket through Online Transaction (Admission to Reception prior to dinner only)
***Please note, all tickets are non-refundable***
Final Day for Reservations is March 1, 2019
Please make checks payable to St. Charles County Republican Central Committee and mail to Penny Henke, 770 Meadow Cliff Drive, St. Charles, MO 63303.
Various SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES are available for this event. For more information, please contact SCCRCC Vice-Chair, Penny Henke at [email protected]
***Paid for by St. Charles County Republican Central Committee – Mike Sommer, Treasurer***