For Immediate Release
August 24, 2021
Arthur Bryant 202-225-1621
Washington, D.C. – Congresswoman Ann Wagner (R-MO), Chair of the House Suburban Caucus, released the following statement on S. Con. Res 14, the Bernie Sanders $3.5 trillion Tax and Spend Plan:
“As American families struggle with skyrocketing inflation, Nancy Pelosi is obsessed with jamming through Bernie Sanders’s $3.5 trillion socialist spending spree, a reckless action that will make everyday life even more expensive. As our nation recovers from the pandemic, we need responsible, commonsense leadership to rebuild our economy and stabilize our communities, not socialist spending that seeks to tear down hardworking families. Instead of working on behalf of those in need, Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden are working hand-in-glove with Bernie Sanders to deliver amnesty to illegal immigrants and raise taxes on working families and businesses. This plan will tax employers at one of the world’s highest rates and give government even more control over your healthcare.
“This wildly foolish budget pushes $17 trillion in new debt onto our children and grandchildren. Joe Biden has presided over a dangerous level of inflation, and this legislation is poised to drive up prices across the board, making sure that your paycheck is worth even less at a time you need it most.”
Arthur Bryant
Communications Director
Congresswoman Ann Wagner (MO-2)
2350 Rayburn House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515