ann wagner

The legislation excludes government officials of the Russian Federation from attending G20 Summits and other organizations that oversee the world’s financial system

For Immed­iate Release
March 17, 2022



Arthur Bryant 202-225-1621


Washington, D.C.  – Congresswoman Ann Wagner (R-MO), Vice Ranking Member of the House Financial Services Committee, released the following statement after the Committee unanimously passed her Isolate Russian Government Officials Act of 2022:

“I am pleased the Financial Services Committee advanced my important legislation that will put even more pressure on Vladimir Putin and those who support him during this unjust and unprovoked war. My bill will ban Russian government officials from any participation in G20 Summits and other global financial meetings. This will further diminish Russia’s influence worldwide and ensure greater isolation until Putin fully backs down from his unwarranted invasion.  The United States must counter the evil acts Russia has committed against the innocent people of Ukraine, and I urge Speaker Pelosi to immediately bring this bill to the House Floor for a full vote before Congress.”


This bill would exclude government officials of the Russian Federation from attendance at the following meetings:

– Group of 20

– Bank for International Settlements

– Basel Committee for Banking Standards

– Financial Stability Board

– International Association of Insurance Supervisors

– International Organization of Securities Commissions


Treasury and the Federal Reserve would implement the exclusions and these exclusions would expire 5 years after enactment or 30 days after the President reports to Congress that the Government of the Russian Federation has ceased its destabilizing activities with respect to the sovereignty of Ukraine.





Arthur Bryant

Communications Director

Congresswoman Ann Wagner (MO-2)

2350 Rayburn House Office Building

Washington, D.C. 20515

(202) 225-1621