Missourians now have access to a secure registry tool that will help them to obtain the COVID-19 vaccine. The newly created Missouri Vaccine Navigator can be reached online at MOStopsCovid.com/navigator.
Gov. Parson said, “Although vaccine supply nationwide is still quite limited, this registration process will help connect Missourians with more avenues to receive a vaccine. This will not only provide support for Missouri citizens but also help our team determine where the greatest demands for vaccines exist throughout the state.”
The new navigator site allows residents to indicate their desire to be vaccinated. They will need to answer questions to determine their eligibility based on the state’s priority phases. Registrants will be notified upon activation of each phase and alerted when they become eligible. Individuals will then be able to seek vaccination from their health care provider if they have vaccines available or view mass vaccination events and other providers in their area.
In addition to helping individuals register for a vaccine, the Missouri Vaccine Navigator will remind registrants when it is time to schedule their second dose. Both vaccines currently authorized for use require two doses, and the second dose is critical to ensure individual and community protection.
Those with online accessibility issues are encouraged to call the COVID-19 hotline at 877-435-8411 for registration assistance. Language translation and other services are available to callers.