Blaine’s Bulletin: 2023 NDAA

December 16, 2022 For Immediate Release | Contact: Georgeanna Sullivan (202) 225-2956 Last week, the House passed the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA). This is one of Congress’ most important jobs each year, as this bill funds our nation’s military. America’s warfighters and military members sacrifice so much for this country, the least we can do in return is make sure they have everything they need to do their jobs. This year, the NDAA included one of the most notable provisions to [...]

Blaine’s Bulletin: 2023 NDAA2022-12-16T16:57:10-06:00


May 20, 2022 For Immediate Release | Contact: Georgeanna Sullivan (202) 225-2956 BLAINE'S BULLETIN: REGULATIONS DRIVE INFLATION Driving home from the St. Louis airport last night, gas prices were over $4.60 at the first station I saw.  As I drove through St. Charles and into central Missouri it wasn’t much better. I didn’t see a station with gas less than $4.59. If your truck runs on diesel, you’re likely paying over $5.15 per gallon. By now, high gas prices are not surprising but expecting bad news doesn’t [...]


Democrats Don’t Trust The American People

The latest wave of impeachment hysteria from Democrats confirms what many of us have been saying for months.  The Democrats don’t trust the American People to choose a President.  Democrats don’t have confidence that any of the current crop of candidates will defeat Donald Trump in the 2020 election. In order to knock Donald Trump out of the 2020 Presidential Election the Democrats have realized they must impeach him and have him removed from office.  Do you doubt my opinion?  Watch this video [...]

Democrats Don’t Trust The American People2019-09-26T09:22:50-05:00

Moving Forward From The Mueller Investigation

The Mueller Investigation is Completed.  What's Next? The public spectacle of Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller’s testimony before Congressional Committees on July 24 is over. You watched it or, by now, you have heard or read pundits describing the spectacle. No need to rehash it. What is our Nation going to experience going forward from the Mueller Investigation? More Trump Derangement Syndrome (“TDS”). The Democrats have been fixated for two years on the unseating of Donald Trump by the Mueller Investigation. They cannot [...]

Moving Forward From The Mueller Investigation2019-07-28T14:52:35-05:00

The Anti-Trump Resistance Has Been Festering for Over 40 Years

President Donald Trump The Democrats don’t accept the results of the 2016 election.  Thinking back, this theme has been a part of Democrat Party politics since 1972. Let's Review The Historic Arguments Against Republican Presidents Richard Nixon won 49 states in 1972, crushing George McGovern.  When the Watergate break-in and cover-up hit the news the Dems said Tricky Dick stole the election. In 1980, former 2-term Governor of California Ronald Reagan defeated incumbent Jimmy Carter handily.  The Dems said the [...]

The Anti-Trump Resistance Has Been Festering for Over 40 Years2018-10-22T14:58:23-05:00
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